Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine
Simon Cheung is a medical acupuncturist at The Putney Clinic of Physical Therapy. Simon initially trained as a Microbiologist and Virologist at Liverpool University before gaining his Masters in Radiotherapy and Cancer Research working with the medical research team at the Richard Dimbleby Cancer Research Department at St Thomas's Hospital Medical School. He began his studies in Acupuncture in 1982 at the British College of Acupuncture.
After qualifying, he went to China to start his training as a Chinese Medical Doctor at the Medical School of Traditional Medicine in Nanjing. In 1987, he returned to England to set up his practice in London. He has lectured at the British College of Acupuncture and supervised their teaching clinic in Russell Square.
Simon has nearly 30 years of experience in the field of acupuncture. He uses it to treat general dysfunction of the body and stress-related disorders. He has a keen interest in the treatment of sports injuries and has treated a number of top professional athletes. He has further specialism in the treatment of infertility, seasonal allergies, skin diseases and asthmatic conditions.
Contact Simon Cheung
If you would like to book an appointment with Simon Cheung, you can call us on 020 8789 3881 or send an email to
You can also follow Simon on Twitter @simonlkcheung.
Simon's availability at The Putney Clinic
Monday | -- | -- |
Tuesday | 08:00 - 13:00 | CALL 020 8789 3881 |
Wednesday | -- | -- |
Thursday | -- | -- |
Friday | -- | -- |
Saturday | -- | -- |
"I went to see Simon Cheung in 2001 out of desperation having suffered from chronic cluster headaches for over 10 years. All regular medical treatments had failed. I was a 'walking medicine cabinet' but to no effect. He assured me he could help but that it would take sometime. I had my acupuncture treatments with him every week for almost a year and sure enough, I was cured. My outlook on life changed! I still get the occasional cluster headache but it lasts for a few weeks rather than continuous. Thank you again Simon."
Zahed Goma
"It is hard to find enough words to say how highly I value Simon and the expert attention he has given me. He is a brilliant acupuncturist and a charming and kind individual. Simon has helped me through pneumonia, shingles and the loss of my husband."
Lynne Sinclair