Dislocated Shoulders at the World Cup

Dislocated Shoulders at The World Cup

We are a week into the World Cup and, so far, there have been plenty of goals, the odd surprise result or two and, thankfully, very few injuries. In fact, the injury that has grabbed the headlines was the dislocated shoulder sustained by England Manager Gareth Southgate while jogging. The same injury that almost prevented Egypt and Liverpool star Mo Salah from appearing in the competition.

Common Injuries: Sprained Ankle

Sprained ankle occurs when one or more ligaments in the ankle become stretched, twisted or torn. This is usually as a result of excessive force being applied to the joint. Ligaments, the tough fibrous bands that connect bones to one another, are extremely strong. Their function is to provide joints with stability and to resist excessive movement beyond the joint’s normal range.

Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tears

Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tears are one of the most serious injuries that a footballer may have to deal with. In general, when this type of injury occurs, players are forced to miss at least 6 to 9 months, sometimes even longer. In recent years, there have been medical advances in the treatment of ACL tears. However, depending on the severity of the injury sustained, it can still force players to have to retire. In this […]

Rotator Cuff Injuries

Rotator Cuff Injuries

The rotator cuff consists of four muscles that wrap around the arm bone like the fingers on a gear stick. They help stabilise and control the fine movements of the shoulder. When injured, it can be difficult performing everyday tasks such as putting a jacket on, reaching over-head for a cup and the combing of hair. Not only can these movements be stiff, but they can also be acutely painful. Here we discuss common rotator cuff injuries.

Osteopathy in Perspective

Are Your Problems Connected?

It is not uncommon to have more than one problem in the body simultaneously. This surprises many people but as osteopaths, this is actually something we see very often. This is good news for patients, who may find resolution to several persistent problems. However, the key is finding the primary problem.

Meniscus Tears: A Footballer’s Nightmare

The meniscus is a piece of cartilage that acts like a shock absorber between your femur (thighbone) and tibia (shinbone). We have two menisci in each knee joint, which provide protection while carrying out physical activity such as running or playing football. They can be damaged or torn during activities that put pressure on or rotate the knee joint. Meniscus tears are one of the most commonly seen injuries in football.

Treating common tennis injuries

Treating Common Tennis Injuries

The grass-court tennis season is under way. Grass courts are the fastest of the three types of playing surfaces. They can also be slippery and unpredictable due to the softer and slightly uneven surface. When preparing for playing on grass, it is important to take this into consideration in order to avoid injury. The list of common tennis injuries is extensive. However, here are a selection of some of the tennis injuries that we regularly treat.

Getting Ready for Race Season by Team GB Triathlete Nicola Busca

Getting Ready For Race Season

Spring has finally sprung, then jumped into summer for a weekend, then back to winter… before settling on spring again. But despite the UK weather’s instability, fortunately there are still some rock-solid certainties in life. And one is that race season is finally in full force. Those long, cold days of training during the winter are gone, and your consistency during the hard months will be paid off with good results over the sunny days. However, depending on your goals and targets for the season, the race period is a delicate one and, as always, the best approach is to prevent rather than to cure…