Tips for a positive pregnancy

Tips for a Positive Pregnancy

There are few moments in life quite as monumental as when you see those two little lines on a pregnancy test confirming that yes, you have a baby on the way. Excitement, nerves and worries about whether your current house is big enough all come together at once as you start to look forward to your new arrival.

Mojostand Standing Workstation

Mojostand Standing Workstation

For many, working from home has presented a whole new set of challenges. In addition to the distractions of everyday life, finding the space to work from home has caused more than a few headaches. Sitting for prolonged periods of time while working can have a detrimental effect on our health and well-being.  Over the past year, here at the Putney Clinic we have seen an increase in neck and back pain conditions. For this […]

Good Posture – Sit Tall

Posture is the position in which you hold your body upright against gravity while standing, sitting or lying down. Good posture involves training the body to stand, walk, sit and lie in positions where the least strain is placed on supporting muscles and ligaments. Good posture makes you look great, feel more energetic and project confidence. It also helps prevent injury and reduce pain. We all want good posture… but it can be so hard […]

6 Sleep Strategies for Back Pain Sufferers

How many nights have you spent often brought on by strain from bad posture, tossing and turning with back pain  trying every position possible to get comfortable and getting up the next morning feeling more exhausted than when you went to bed? Worse still, you spend the next day feeling irritable and weary, only to repeat the cycle all over again the next night? Well, it’s something that one in three of us experience at […]

Help and advice

Sciatica – Causes and Treatments

Sciatica  – article by Clive Lathey, DO. MSc (Sports Medicine) My experience On the 25th January 1989 I fell 35 feet. The accident happened in Sydney, Australia where between clinic jobs, I  did some part-time work on a construction site. Unfortunately the scaffolding collapsed, resulting in my spending 6 weeks in hospital with 2 spinal vertebral fractures, a disc herniation, 5 broken ribs and extensive bruising. Thanks to a lot of physical therapy treatment and […]