If you regularly exercised prior to becoming pregnant, it is beneficial for you and your baby to continue exercising at a safe level until birth. With this is mind, here are 10 tips for exercising during pregnancy.
The collarbone (clavicle) is a long, slender bone that runs from the breastbone to each shoulder. You can feel it at the top of your chest, just below your neck. Tough bands of tissue (ligaments) connect the collarbone to the breastbone and shoulder blades. Breaks to these bones are fairly common in cycling and are usually the result of a heavy fall or blow to the shoulder. It takes about 6-8 weeks to heal in adults, and 3-6 weeks in children.
Very often shoulder injuries are difficult to treat, all the more so in the case of a broken collarbone. The time patients need to recover can vary greatly. Unfortunately, in some cases, it may not heal at all. Factoring in periods of rehabilitation, overall recovery time can take from 12-16 weeks or more. Here you can read about a patient’s experience of recovering from a broken collarbone.
Cycling Injuries in Numbers. Discover all you need to know about cycling injuries with this informative infographic for recreational and elite cyclists.
There are two main types of cycling injuries. Those caused by falling off (acute injury), which often result in fractures, contusions, abrasions and concussion. And then there are the more common overuse injuries caused by the repetitive nature of cycling including overtraining, biomechanical stresses (often due to muscle imbalances) and incorrect bike set-up.
Finally the Tour de France is here! The most important race in the cycling calendar is just around the corner. This means hours and hours spent in front of the TV or following live tweets and coverage. And lest not forget the endless attempts at replicating the professional riders’ performances at Broomfield Hill in Richmond Park. Here Team GB Triathlete Nick Busca tells us how he winds down after long cycling events.
Shock results and below par performances aside, serious injuries have been conspicuous in their absence in this year’s World Cup, which can only be a positive. However, as we reach the knockout rounds, the intensity of competition will increase. Extra time and penalty shoot outs will add to the physical burden players are subjected to, thus increasing the likelihood of cramp, and groin hamstring injuries.
The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway of ligaments and bones at the base of the hand/wrist, which houses the median nerve and tendons. Sometimes, thickening from irritated tendons or other swelling narrows the tunnel and causes the median nerve to be compressed leading to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS).
Yoga and tennis may not normally be associated with each other. However, yoga can have a number of benefits on your tennis game. Tennis is a sport that combines strength and endurance. It has explosive, unpredictable and complex patterns and injuries are frequent.
Andy Murray has made a much anticipated return to competition following an almost year-long lay off with a hip injury. Since injuring himself, Murray has not disclosed the exact nature of his injury. However, it was serious enough to warrant surgery. Hip complaintss are fairly common among elite tennis players, with labral tears, hip flexor strain, adductor strains and sports hernias counting among the most commonly treated hip injuries.