Happiness habits for 2018

Happiness Habits

Are you looking to change your happiness habits this year? If so, take a look at this. It is a Happiness Calendar designed by a wonderful caring outfit www.actionforhappiness.org. It is full of actions for yourself to be happier, and bring more happiness to others. Maybe share it with your friends.

Give up smoking

Give Up Smoking

What’s your new year resolution for 2018? The New Year is a couple of weeks away and perhaps you have decided that, on January 2nd 2018, you are going to give up smoking and never smoke again! Brilliant. You have just made the first step to becoming a non-smoker. So what’s next?

The Putney Clinic of Physical Therapy: iO Practice of the Year 2017

IO Practice of The Year 2017

What a fantastic week it has been for the Putney Clinic of Physical Therapy! As we mentioned previously, the Institute of Osteopathy had nominated us for their Practice of the Year award. To receive this nomination was a great achievement. Therefore, it is with even greater pride that we announce to you that we won!

Institute of Osteopathy Convention 2017

Institute of Osteopathy Annual Convention 2017

Later this month sees the celebration of the Institute of Osteopathy Annual Convention. The iO Convention is the biggest and best-known osteopathic training and networking event in the UK. Therefore, it is a honour that the iO have invited clinic director, Clive Lathey, to make a presentation at this year’s event. Clive will be talking on the subject of Exercise Rehabilitation from a Clinical Approach.

Top tips for performing the plank effectively

Top Tips For Performing The Plank

The plank is one of the best (if not ‘the’ best) exercises for strengthening the core area as it works so many muscle groups in the shoulders, abdomen and back. For many people, the plank can be a nemesis, but it doesn’t have to be like that. In this post, we have outlined 6 top tips for performing the plank effectively.

Top tips for keeping cool in hot weather

Top Tips For Keeping Cool In Hot Weather

Heat exhaustion and heatstroke are common during prolonged spells of hot weather. For this reason, the Government has issued health warnings so as to prevent them from occurring. However, it is important to remember that this information is relevant for exposure to sunshine at any time of year. Here are some top tips for keeping cool in hot weather.

Top Tips To Improve Your Running Form

Are you looking to improve your running form? Or do you feel that you don’t have enough pop in your ankles or kick in your hips? Well, take a look at this video from Mark Buckingham, a member of the British Triathlon Team and TriGold squad. He offers advice to kick start some good quality movement patterns which will help you to improve your running form.

Cranial osteopathy for treating colic in babies


Did you know that cranial osteopathy for treating colic in babies can be an effective treatment? As well as this, it can be used in a number of other conditions. This article by Liz Neale, originally published on the Daily Mail Online in June 2011, highlights some of the benefits of cranial osteopathy.