Measuring Performance In Triathletes

This information has been supplied by Clive Lathey D.O MSc (Sports Medicine), and Osteopath at the Putney Clinic of Physical Therapy. Clive is a specialist in working with and treating both amateur and professional triathletes. This is the third in our series of triathlon focussed blog posts – measuring performance in triathletes. The first post can be found here and the second here. Vo2 Max This is a common test for running fitness. It is the measure of […]

Focus Triathlon – Training The Body’s Energy Systems

This is the second in our series of triathlon focussed blog posts. The first post can be found here. There are 3 trainable overlapping energy systems that need to be trained effectively to run a good triathlon and training will need to be tailored to the specific distance triathlon someone is undertaking. Energy systems The challenge is to train each system optimally with the most effective time spent in each zone to maximize fitness outcomes. […]

Getting Ready for Race Season by Team GB Triathlete Nicola Busca

Getting Ready For Race Season

Spring has finally sprung, then jumped into summer for a weekend, then back to winter… before settling on spring again. But despite the UK weather’s instability, fortunately there are still some rock-solid certainties in life. And one is that race season is finally in full force. Those long, cold days of training during the winter are gone, and your consistency during the hard months will be paid off with good results over the sunny days. However, depending on your goals and targets for the season, the race period is a delicate one and, as always, the best approach is to prevent rather than to cure…

Top Tips To Improve Your Running Form

Are you looking to improve your running form? Or do you feel that you don’t have enough pop in your ankles or kick in your hips? Well, take a look at this video from Mark Buckingham, a member of the British Triathlon Team and TriGold squad. He offers advice to kick start some good quality movement patterns which will help you to improve your running form.