Running versus Cycling Injuries

Running and cycling are both excellent forms of exercise, but all too often runners and cyclings get sidelined by injury, many of which are overuse injuries and avoidable. Recreational runners and those new to regular running can be prone to increase intensity and distance too quickly and cause overuse injuries. Building up runs gradually and including strength and conditioning work into a training schedule can help avoid a lot of these injuries. Most running related […]

Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITB)

ITB: Six Things I Have Learnt

Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITB) is a common sporting injury, especially among cyclists. Team GB Triathlete Nick Busca, who is a patient at The Putney Clinic of Physical Therapy, sustained this type of injury earlier in the season and it worsened after competing at the World Championships in the summer. In this article he tells us how a combination of massage, osteopathy and physiotherapy have helped him on the road to recovery from injury.

Long Cycling Events

Long Cycling Events

Finally the Tour de France is here! The most important race in the cycling calendar is just around the corner. This means hours and hours spent in front of the TV or following live tweets and coverage. And lest not forget the endless attempts at replicating the professional riders’ performances at Broomfield Hill in Richmond Park. Here Team GB Triathlete Nick Busca tells us how he winds down after long cycling events.