The truth about pain

The Truth About Pain

In the 17th century, René Descartes, French scientist and philosopher, revolutionised the understanding of pain. He postulated that injured tissue in the body sent pain signals via the nerves to the brain. The brain then translated this message and we become conscious of pain. Although this concept survived for nearly 300 years, modern pain research over the last 50 years has shown this to be incorrect. So, what is the truth about pain? Modern pain […]

How Physical Therapy Can Help If You Suffer From Chronic Pain – Part 1

If you suffer from chronic pain, you’ve probably at some point been told that you’re supposed to stay as active as possible. However the thought probably makes you cringe, especially when sometimes, just getting through the day at home or work is hard enough. This is where a physical therapist can help. They can give you a personalised strengthening and exercise plan, and help you learn how to manage your daily life and reduce pain […]