Food for Menopause by Linia Patel. Available to preorder now on Amazon

Food for Menopause

FOOD FOR MENOPAUSE New book by Linia Patel We are pleased to announce that our colleague Linia Patel will be releasing a book titled ‘Food for Menopause’ in September. The book is packed with 80 super tasty, appealing recipes, which are perfect for busy lives. You might already know a bit about menopause symptoms or you might believe it’s something to think about some time in the future. However, studies show that there is lots […]

Demystifying the Perimenopause. Free webinar with Linia Patel. Monday 28 March 2022 (7-8pm). Book your place online

Demystifying The Perimenopause

DEMYSTIFYING THE PERIMENOPAUSE Free Webinar: Monday 28 March 2022, 7-8pm Presentation by Linia Patel (Dietitian) The Putney Clinic of Physical Therapy is running a free public health webinar titled Demystifying the Perimenopause on Monday 28 March 2022 (7-8pm) with Linia Patel. When you hit your 40’s you quickly learn that exercise and nutrition routines that worked for you before just don’t seem to cut it anymore. But don’t worry… You can still rock it and […]

Postnatal Physical Therapy

A very interesting article about postnatal physical therapy by Julie Revelant, published originally in Fox Health News. She argues that every new mother needs physical therapy in order to rehabilitate and strengthen pelvic floor muscles that become weakened during childbirth. At The Putney Clinic, we offer several postnatal physical therapy services as part of our Women’s Health and Mums and Babies clinics. These services include Postnatal MOTs (with our Women’s Health Physiotherapist Lauren Wee) and […]