Feeling Better? My personal recipe for recovery

Feeling Better?

FEELING BETTER? – MY PERSONAL RECIPE FOR RECOVERY By Fiona Worthington (Cognitive Behavioural Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist & Mindfulness Teacher) I was unwell at the same time as one of my closest friends. Whenever he noticed a speck of improvement, he would leap up, dash about working or cleaning. I thought he was completely mad. He would push himself hard, but then crash. If there is one tip in all this, please take it easy. It […]

Stay Emotionally Strong and Positive Alongside Covid-19

‘This, too, shall pass.’ – How to stay emotionally strong and positive alongside COVID 19 Many of you will have heard this wise old saying. And it is certainly something that is helpful to keep in mind at the moment. Although we know it instinctively, we sometimes forget that change is the only thing we can really be sure of. It is also important to remember that we are enormously resilient and adaptable creatures. We […]

How Are You Doing With Your New Year Resolutions? 

Fiona Worthington Clinical Hypnotherapist and Cognitive Behavioural Coach at the Putney Clinic looks at how self-knowledge helps us change habits and keep those New Year resolutions. Do you ever wonder why you can’t keep New Year resolutions and why that friend of yours annoyingly always manages to keep hers ? Or maybe you are that friend who comfortably keeps them and doesn’t understand the struggle that you have.  If you want to do it why […]