Mindful Practice Starter Kit

Mindfulness Practice Starter Kit

Are you looking to take up mindfulness but don’t know where to start? Our resident mindfulness teacher Fiona Worthington has put together a 20-point mindfulness practice starter kit. It includes suggestions and recommendations to help you along your mindful journey. Anyone can meditate. Sometimes clients say, “but my mind is too busy.” Every body’s minds are busy. Mindfulness is not about clearing the mind. It’s about changing the relationship with what goes on in our […]

Glute Bridge (Exercising At Home)

During this lockdown period, it is important to keep both the mind and body active. With this in mind, our physiotherapist Davina Sherwood has recorded a series of videos with exercises that you can perform safely in the comfort of your own home or garden. These exercises are suitable for most people and are a good start before moving on to more advanced. The first of these exercises is the Glute Bridge.  For more […]

Action Calendar: Meaningful May 2020

I love the Calendars from Action for Happiness, which come out each month. This subject for this month is “Meaningful May”. The calendar has simple daily reminders to help us respond to these extraordinary times with a sense of meaning and purpose.   Fiona is offering free online Mindfulness Practices For All sessions. Everyone is welcome and no experience is needed. These half-hour sessions run on Wednesday evenings (18:30 – 19:00). To book, please visit […]