How yoga can help with tennis injuries

How Yoga Can Help With Tennis Injuries

Tennis is a sport that combines strength, endurance and has explosive unpredictable complex patterns. Common injuries often associated with recreational tennis include: rotator cuff tendinopathy, carpal tunnel syndrome, tenosynovitis (inflammation of the tendons) and tennis elbow (ECRB). As well as this, there is a host of other back and knee injuries. In this post, we will look at how yoga can help with tennis injuries. HOW CAN YOGA HELP? The shortening of muscles and lack […]

Skills To Cope With Chronic Pain – Part 3 Coping

In part 1 of our blog post on skills to cope with chronic pain, we talked about the skills of understanding, acceptance and calming, in part 2 we discussed balancing and in this post we are going to cover the fifth skill – coping. THE FIFTH SKILL: Coping That is, having tips, techniques, and plans to use when the pain is bad. You need more than just taking pain medication at these times. Distraction & […]

Skills To Cope With Chronic Pain – Part 2 Balancing

In part 1 of our blog post on skills to cope with chronic pain, we talked about the skills of understanding, acceptance and calming. In this post we are discussing the fourth skill – balancing. THE FOURTH SKILL: Balancing You need to create a balanced and sustainable lifestyle, which will require some tools. Patients with pain who describe themselves as being successful in managing their pain all report that they have developed a pattern of […]

Skills To Cope With Chronic Pain – Part 1

Living with pain on a daily basis can be physically and emotionally exhausting, not just leaving you in severe discomfort but also influencing your mood and overall sense of wellbeing. There is an overwhelming amount of information out there on what to do, or not do, and so much advice that it can be hard to know where to start, so we’ve offering some help. This is the first part of ways of coping.   […]

Learn More About Tennis Injuries

The tennis season is underway. It’s not just the pros that get injured. Here are a few stats on the most common types of tennis injury, when the injuries occur (training v competition) and how likely they are to recur: If you would like more advice on how to stay injury free, please do get in touch. At the Putney Clinic we have a dedicated sports injury clinic. Email us on or call 020 8789 3881

Don’t Let Yourself Be Sidelined by Tennis Injuries

Tennis season has begun and don’t let yourself be sidelined by tennis injuries. Tennis is one of the most popular sports throughout the world, with approximately 75 million participants worldwide. It is a sport that you can play at every age and at every level. Children can start playing from the age of 4, using softer, slower balls and smaller rackets on modified courts to make the game easier and more fun, gradually progressing to regular […]

The Dangers of Sitting Too Much

It turns out that a lack of exercise in our lives is a silent killer. The World Health Organisation lists physical inactivity as the fourth biggest risk factor for death in adults across the world. The latest research shows when it comes to heart disease, leading a sedentary life is as great a risk factor as smoking and obesity. In fact, inactivity in terms of disease risk, is more dangerous than being overweight. If you […]

Feeling The Pinch

The Stubborn Shoulder Impingement Syndrome Do you get a sharp, debilitating pain in your shoulder when you are performing tasks like brushing your hair, putting on certain clothes or showering? During these movements, where you raise your arm out to the side and then upwards over your head, do you alternate between no pain and pain? For example, during the first part of the moment you don’t feel any pain, and then suddenly your shoulder […]

Help and advice

Sciatica – Causes and Treatments

Sciatica  – article by Clive Lathey, DO. MSc (Sports Medicine) My experience On the 25th January 1989 I fell 35 feet. The accident happened in Sydney, Australia where between clinic jobs, I  did some part-time work on a construction site. Unfortunately the scaffolding collapsed, resulting in my spending 6 weeks in hospital with 2 spinal vertebral fractures, a disc herniation, 5 broken ribs and extensive bruising. Thanks to a lot of physical therapy treatment and […]

General Pilates Introductory Offer

How Physical Therapy Can Help If You Suffer From Chronic Pain – Part 2

ACTIVE PHYSICAL THERAPY In our last blog post, How Physical Therapy Can Help If You Suffer From Chronic Pain, we discussed how passive physical therapy techniques can help. Passive therapies, such as deep tissue massage, manual therapy, hot and cold therapy, transcutaneous Nerve Stimulation (TENS), ultrasound, dry needling and strapping or bracing, are generally done in conjunction with active therapies. In the active part of physical therapy, your therapist will teach you various exercises to improve […]