Shoulder Exercises (Exercising At Home)

In today’s Exercising at Home video, physiotherapist Davina Sherwood demonstrates some shoulder exercises. These exercises are suitable for most people and are a good starting point before progressing to more advanced exercises. What’s more, you can perform them from the safety and comfort of your own home or garden.  For more exercises that you can do at home, visit the Putney Clinic YouTube channel.

Wall Slide (Exercising At Home)

Today’s suggested exercise from physiotherapist Davina Sherwood is the Wall Slide. These exercises are good for helping to improve hamstring flexibility and can be performed safely in the comfort of your own home or garden. They are suitable for most people and are a good starting point, before moving on to more advanced exercises.  For more exercises that you can do at home, visit the Putney Clinic YouTube channel.

Adapting Mindfulness Practices in these Extraordinary Times

Adapting Mindfulness To These Extraordinary Times

It may be difficult for some of us to meditate during these extraordinary times. I found that when I was ill, it was not easy to practice the longer meditations. My focus was not good and my attention wandered much more than usual. When you are ill, this is normal as your brain can become foggy. I did find that shorter practices were a massive comfort. The 3-minute breathing space is a particular favourite of […]

Inch Worms (Exercising At Home)

Today’s suggested exercise from physiotherapist Davina Sherwood are Inch Worms. They are good for helping to improve hamstring flexibility and can be performed safely in the comfort of your own home or garden. They are suitable for most people and are a good start before moving on to more advanced exercises.  For more exercises that you can do at home, visit the Putney Clinic YouTube channel.

Well-Being Week

Well-Being Week

WELL-BEING WEEK WITH POSITIVELY PUTNEY The Putney Clinic will be participating on several free events organised by Positively Putney as part of its Well-being Week. From the 18 to 24  May,   experts from a number of fields will discuss ways to help your well-being while you work from home and cope working in lockdown. There will also be physical and mindful sessions to help reduce stress, increase engagement and activity. We want everyone to be […]

Superman (Exercising At Home)

Carrying on from our previous post on Glute Bridges, today’s suggested exercise from physiotherapist Davina Sherwood is the Superman. This can be performed safely in the comfort of your own home or garden. It is suitable for most people and is a good start before moving on to more advanced. To make it more fun during lockdown, you could also get into character and wear your undies over your leggings. However, a little word of […]

COVID-19: Effects on the heart

Covid-19: Effects On The Heart

COVID-19: EFFECTS ON THE HEART AND IMPLICATIONS FOR RETURN TO SPORT Blog post written by John Durkin. Podiatrist and Chiropodist at The Putney Clinic The UK Government’s recent announcement that we can – and should – all take more outside exercise, and for the possible return of Premiership Football (behind closed doors) is very exciting. Interestingly, during lockdown the increase in indoor exercise has far outweighed any reduction in outdoor exercise for most European countries according […]

Mindful Practice Starter Kit

Mindfulness Practice Starter Kit

Are you looking to take up mindfulness but don’t know where to start? Our resident mindfulness teacher Fiona Worthington has put together a 20-point mindfulness practice starter kit. It includes suggestions and recommendations to help you along your mindful journey. Anyone can meditate. Sometimes clients say, “but my mind is too busy.” Every body’s minds are busy. Mindfulness is not about clearing the mind. It’s about changing the relationship with what goes on in our […]

Glute Bridge (Exercising At Home)

During this lockdown period, it is important to keep both the mind and body active. With this in mind, our physiotherapist Davina Sherwood has recorded a series of videos with exercises that you can perform safely in the comfort of your own home or garden. These exercises are suitable for most people and are a good start before moving on to more advanced. The first of these exercises is the Glute Bridge.  For more […]