TimeOut Lists Putney Clinic Pregnancy Yoga Classes In Its Top 10

We are delighted that Timeout has listed our pregnancy yoga classes in its 10 best pregnancy yoga classes in London  We run several pregnancy yoga classes throughout the week in conjunction with Yoga Mama Wellness offering expert teaching. We recognise that pregnancy is a great personal journey for any woman and is a time of mental and physical change. It can also be a challenging time, as adjustments need to be made as the body starts […]

Managing Musculoskeletal Injuries

The word ‘musculoskeletal’ simply means anything to do with the muscles (musculo) and/or bones (skeletal), including tendons and ligaments forming joints and supporting your spine. So, a musculoskeletal injury could vary from a muscle tear or strain; to a sprained ankle where the ligaments are overstretched or torn; to a meniscus or cartilage tear in the knee or a large contusion (muscle bruise) on your thigh. WHEN SHOULD YOU COMMENCE TREATMENT? In most cases, ‘the […]

Rugby Hurts

We are heading towards the Rugby World Cup so focusing some attention on rugby: a fast-moving, high-intensity team sport. It’s played by both men and women at all levels and the benefits of participation are many, ranging not only from a wide variety of fitness and health benefits, but also social and wellbeing benefits. However, as a sport, it also boasts a high injury rate, with as many as 1 in 4 players being injured during […]

Neck Stretching Exercises

The exercises below help to stretch some of the muscles around the neck. Having good flexibility will help balance the loads and strains on your neck joint. It is particularly important that there is good balance in the muscles around your neck, so that they are able to hold your neck vertebra and joints in good alignment. You should always be guided by your physical therapist who may add or delete exercises or stretches for […]

Hip Replacement Rehabilitation

How can rehabilitation help you? Surgery may be the most important and intense step in any treatment plan, but it is not the only one that carries particular risks. The recovery period following any joint replacement surgery usually involves many important steps and processes that will determine your long-term health and mobility. The ultimate success of the surgery, will be determined by the success of the recovery process. Your physical therapist will teach you all […]

Hip Replacement – Who Has Hip Replacement Surgery?

Generally, the older you get, the greater your chance of needing a hip replacement, regardless of gender. For example, someone over the age of 70 has a 9 times higher chance of having a hip replacement than someone aged 55. Like age, the greater your weight, the greater your chance of needing surgery. The heavier you are the more strain you place on your hip joint, contributing significantly to developing osteoarthritis, which ultimately increases your […]

Hip Replacement Fundamentals

Hip pain can be caused by a variety of factors, including: – An injury that does not heal properly – A chronic illness – Normal wear and tear from years of constant use – Severe arthritic conditions, especially osteoarthritis – Injuries as a result of trauma, such as a hip fracture or dislocation caused by a fall Do you struggle to walk far, or find that if you sit for too long, or try to […]

Improving Hamstring Flexibility

Improving Hamstring Flexibility

For so many people, tight hamstring muscles are a constant source of frustration. Usually, the advice offered is to keep going with stretching, foam rolling, self massage, etc. More often than not the list lengthens, but the hamstrings do not. A combination of dynamic stretching and core strengthening helps most people overcome this. Very often this can be achieved in a single exercise. Below we will look at ways of improving hamstring flexibility. Hamstring flexibility […]


Hamstring Injuries: What Are The Chances?

The hamstrings, or as they are sometimes referred to the “hammies”, are the muscles that run down the back of your leg and flex your knee. Unfortunately hamstring injury is extremely common. It affects people across all sports and, more often than not, they are really tricky to deal with. Most people tear a hamstring when performing explosive activities like sprinting, changing direction, rapidly slowing down, and kicking. Your hamstring can also tear from slower speed movements if done in the right way.

All you need to know about MRI scans

All You Need To Know About MRI Scans

BY CLIVE LATHEY, D.O MSC (SPORTS MEDICINE) Musculoskeletal pain (back, neck and other joints), can be very acute and debilitating; resulting in fear and anxiety. As a consequence, patients often request MRI scans in the belief that it is going to be an important part of their treatment. While MRI scans are a “gold standard” diagnostic investigation, there are guidelines concerning their appropriate use. History of MRI scans MRI scans were developed in the 1970s […]