Skills To Cope With Chronic Pain – Part 3 Coping

In part 1 of our blog post on skills to cope with chronic pain, we talked about the skills of understanding, acceptance and calming, in part 2 we discussed balancing and in this post we are going to cover the fifth skill – coping. THE FIFTH SKILL: Coping That is, having tips, techniques, and plans to use when the pain is bad. You need more than just taking pain medication at these times. Distraction & […]

Feeling The Pinch

The Stubborn Shoulder Impingement Syndrome Do you get a sharp, debilitating pain in your shoulder when you are performing tasks like brushing your hair, putting on certain clothes or showering? During these movements, where you raise your arm out to the side and then upwards over your head, do you alternate between no pain and pain? For example, during the first part of the moment you don’t feel any pain, and then suddenly your shoulder […]

General Pilates Introductory Offer

How Physical Therapy Can Help If You Suffer From Chronic Pain – Part 2

ACTIVE PHYSICAL THERAPY In our last blog post, How Physical Therapy Can Help If You Suffer From Chronic Pain, we discussed how passive physical therapy techniques can help. Passive therapies, such as deep tissue massage, manual therapy, hot and cold therapy, transcutaneous Nerve Stimulation (TENS), ultrasound, dry needling and strapping or bracing, are generally done in conjunction with active therapies. In the active part of physical therapy, your therapist will teach you various exercises to improve […]

How Physical Therapy Can Help If You Suffer From Chronic Pain – Part 1

If you suffer from chronic pain, you’ve probably at some point been told that you’re supposed to stay as active as possible. However the thought probably makes you cringe, especially when sometimes, just getting through the day at home or work is hard enough. This is where a physical therapist can help. They can give you a personalised strengthening and exercise plan, and help you learn how to manage your daily life and reduce pain […]

Strength Training Exercises For Runners

Claire Cason is a Physiotherapist at the Putney Clinic of Physical Therapy. Below she gives us 5 key strength training exercises geared up for runners. To find out more about Claire, check out her bio here.  Strength Exercise 1: Side lunge.  Start by holding a kettlebell (weight of your choice) in to your chest. Step to the side by bending your knee and pushing your hips backwards into the lunge then step back to return […]

Back Pain: 15 Things You Need To Know

Back Pain: Myths Versus Facts This is an interesting article on back pain that was originally featured in the Irish Independent. Back pain is so prevalent that it costs the country more than cancer and diabetes treatment combined. However, there are many myths circulating about the condition. We asked some of Ireland’s leading experts to shed some light on the common ailment Managing back pain costs the State more than cancer and diabetes combined. Most of […]