Yoga or Pilates

Yoga or Pilates?

Many people often ask me what the difference is between Yoga and Pilates. They also ask if there is any point practising one if they already practice the other. Before making the choice between Yoga or Pilates, let’s take a look at the origins of each discipline. 

The truth about pain

The Truth About Pain

In the 17th century, René Descartes, French scientist and philosopher, revolutionised the understanding of pain. He postulated that injured tissue in the body sent pain signals via the nerves to the brain. The brain then translated this message and we become conscious of pain. Although this concept survived for nearly 300 years, modern pain research over the last 50 years has shown this to be incorrect. So, what is the truth about pain? Modern pain […]

Prevention is better than cure. Discover how acupuncture may help relieve allergies, including asthma and hay fever.

Prevention Is Better Than Cure

PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE Can acupuncture alleviate allergies? As the old saying goes, prevention is better than cure… In Britain, there are over a million asthma sufferers of all ages, and hay fever is at least twice as common. These facts underline the importance of allergies to the nation’s health. However, the problem is greater than this as there is growing evidence that asthma and allergies are becoming more common. Extensive studies in general […]

Hypnobirthing and Birth Preparation with Cherie Lathey

Hypnobirthing and Birth Preparation

This hypnobirthing day course is led by Cherie Lathey. It has been designed to equip you and your birthing partner with the tools to empower your birthing experience. This enables you to approach your birth feeling calm and confident. Cherie is also a pregnancy yoga teacher and has supported thousands of pregnant women over the years. For this reason, in addition to hypnobirthing techniques, she will also incorporate practical yoga sessions for both movement and relaxation for pregnancy and birth.

Sitting: Are You Addicted?

In Scandinavian countries, it is estimated that as many as 90% of office workers have access to sit-stand workstations. In the United Kingdom, that figure is just 1%. Culturally, we are told that concentration and productivity are best achieved when sitting down. New research, however, shows that this may not actually be accurate, and could, in fact, lead to health problems.

injury prevention for skiing

Injury Prevention for Skiing

It is important to ensure that you are in good physical health before heading out to the slopes. Strengthening exercises are essential to help prevent the risk of injury, to improve fitness and to help manage a full day of skiing. Physiotherapist Claire Cason offers us some top tips for injury prevention for skiing.

Class fees increase for September 2022

Class Fees Increase

CLASS FEES INCREASE From Monday 5 September 2022 Our colleagues at Yoga Mama are continuing to offer bespoke classes. With a maximum of 6 students in the studio, this allows us to offer individual attention to all students attending classes. With this in mind, due to reduced class sizes and increased costs, there will be a slight class fees increase of £1 (across the board on all classes). 1:1 sessions will also see an increase […]

Discover how you can improve posture and avoid injury at work with our workstation ergonomics questionnaire

Workstation ergonomics

Discover how you can improve posture and avoid injury at work with our workstation ergonomics questionnaire. In order to assess whether your workstation is set up correctly, please answer the questions as accurately and honestly as possible. In a ergonomically correct work environment, all questions should be answered in the affirmative. If the reply to any of these questions is no, action should be taken to optimise your workstation and avoid any possible office-related injuries before they arise. You may be able to do this yourself or with the help of your manager, union or health and safety representative.