Benefits of Exercise

The Benefits of Exercise

What are the benefits of exercise? There are numerous benefits from exercising regularly. These are both physical and psychological, and, for this reason, we actively encourage it. Why not try out a new physical activity and see if you like it? Whatever you do, be it running, cycling, swimming, rowing, playing football or weight training, there are so many physical and non-physical benefits to be had in the following areas. Musculoskeletal Exercise can have the […]

Prevention is better than cure. Discover how acupuncture may help relieve allergies, including asthma and hay fever.

Prevention Is Better Than Cure

PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE Can acupuncture alleviate allergies? As the old saying goes, prevention is better than cure… In Britain, there are over a million asthma sufferers of all ages, and hay fever is at least twice as common. These facts underline the importance of allergies to the nation’s health. However, the problem is greater than this as there is growing evidence that asthma and allergies are becoming more common. Extensive studies in general […]

Find Balance

Find Balance

As we get older, our balance starts to decrease. This is important because when we lack balance, our predisposition to falls and, as a consequence, injury increases. In recent years, a slew of balance aids have appeared on the market, from wobble boards to Bosu balls. These promise results with specific workout programmes. However, in order to find balance, we can substitute these with a simple exercise performed daily while we brush our teeth. Namely, […]

Anti-Inflammatory Joint Health Smoothie Recipe

Anti-Inflammatory Joint Health Smoothie

Looking to give your body a natural boost? Then why not try this green anti-inflammatory joint health smoothie? High in fibre and low in sugar, this smoothie is also suitable for diabetics and those with blood sugar issues. In a study, a similar smoothie was shown to help with sleep, energy and a variety of symptoms such as pain, joint problems and arthritis. The ingredients listed below are for an anti-inflammatory joint health smoothie. However, […]

COVID-19: Effects on the heart

Covid-19: Effects On The Heart

COVID-19: EFFECTS ON THE HEART AND IMPLICATIONS FOR RETURN TO SPORT Blog post written by John Durkin. Podiatrist and Chiropodist at The Putney Clinic The UK Government’s recent announcement that we can – and should – all take more outside exercise, and for the possible return of Premiership Football (behind closed doors) is very exciting. Interestingly, during lockdown the increase in indoor exercise has far outweighed any reduction in outdoor exercise for most European countries according […]

Feeling Better? My personal recipe for recovery

Feeling Better?

FEELING BETTER? – MY PERSONAL RECIPE FOR RECOVERY By Fiona Worthington (Cognitive Behavioural Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist & Mindfulness Teacher) I was unwell at the same time as one of my closest friends. Whenever he noticed a speck of improvement, he would leap up, dash about working or cleaning. I thought he was completely mad. He would push himself hard, but then crash. If there is one tip in all this, please take it easy. It […]

Stay Emotionally Strong and Positive Alongside Covid-19

‘This, too, shall pass.’ – How to stay emotionally strong and positive alongside COVID 19 Many of you will have heard this wise old saying. And it is certainly something that is helpful to keep in mind at the moment. Although we know it instinctively, we sometimes forget that change is the only thing we can really be sure of. It is also important to remember that we are enormously resilient and adaptable creatures. We […]

The Immune System and How To Keep It Fit and Healthy

Whilst we are in the midst of the coronavirus Covid-19 crisis, there has never been a more important time to keep your immune system fit and healthy. The immune system is our bodies defence against invading bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites and other pathogens. It is a complex network of hundreds of specialised cell types and organs and is the second most complicated structure in the body, after the brain. Specialised cells called neutrophils, macrophages, lymphocytes […]

Add Days To Your Life & Life To Your Days

Physical activity or exercise, when performed regularly, has been proven to prevent and help manage more than 20 chronic conditions. These include coronary heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, cancer, obesity, mental health problems and musculoskeletal conditions. Ideally being active throughout your lifespan would give optimal health benefits, however research has shown the health gains achieved through physical activity can be attained at any time. So, it doesn’t matter when you start as long as […]

The Dangers of Sitting Too Much

It turns out that a lack of exercise in our lives is a silent killer. The World Health Organisation lists physical inactivity as the fourth biggest risk factor for death in adults across the world. The latest research shows when it comes to heart disease, leading a sedentary life is as great a risk factor as smoking and obesity. In fact, inactivity in terms of disease risk, is more dangerous than being overweight. If you […]