Superman (Exercising At Home)

Carrying on from our previous post on Glute Bridges, today’s suggested exercise from physiotherapist Davina Sherwood is the Superman. This can be performed safely in the comfort of your own home or garden. It is suitable for most people and is a good start before moving on to more advanced. To make it more fun during lockdown, you could also get into character and wear your undies over your leggings. However, a little word of […]

Glute Bridge (Exercising At Home)

During this lockdown period, it is important to keep both the mind and body active. With this in mind, our physiotherapist Davina Sherwood has recorded a series of videos with exercises that you can perform safely in the comfort of your own home or garden. These exercises are suitable for most people and are a good start before moving on to more advanced. The first of these exercises is the Glute Bridge.  For more […]

The Immune System and How To Keep It Fit and Healthy

Whilst we are in the midst of the coronavirus Covid-19 crisis, there has never been a more important time to keep your immune system fit and healthy. The immune system is our bodies defence against invading bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites and other pathogens. It is a complex network of hundreds of specialised cell types and organs and is the second most complicated structure in the body, after the brain. Specialised cells called neutrophils, macrophages, lymphocytes […]

What Posture Are You?

A: IDEAL POSTURE Description Soft normal curves in the spine act like shock-absorbers, distributing mechanical stress on the body during movement and at rest.   Postural Problems In an ideal world there should be no problems, meaning your posture is not causing the problem. There are other reasons for the onset of pain and injury. With an ideal posture and good spinal alignment the muscles should be working in a balanced manner, equal in strength […]

How To Keep A Cool Head When You Suffer From Headaches

Headaches affect 47% of the global population on a regular basis. Some people suffer from them monthly, weekly and sometimes even daily, and the headache can range from being a nuisance to being completely debilitating, disrupting your ability to drive, work, concentrate, do daily chores or even stand upright. The most difficult thing about headaches is that there is so much variety between individuals, in terms of headache types, symptoms and triggers, it makes them […]

Managing Musculoskeletal Injuries

The word ‘musculoskeletal’ simply means anything to do with the muscles (musculo) and/or bones (skeletal), including tendons and ligaments forming joints and supporting your spine. So, a musculoskeletal injury could vary from a muscle tear or strain; to a sprained ankle where the ligaments are overstretched or torn; to a meniscus or cartilage tear in the knee or a large contusion (muscle bruise) on your thigh. WHEN SHOULD YOU COMMENCE TREATMENT? In most cases, ‘the […]

Neck Stretching Exercises

The exercises below help to stretch some of the muscles around the neck. Having good flexibility will help balance the loads and strains on your neck joint. It is particularly important that there is good balance in the muscles around your neck, so that they are able to hold your neck vertebra and joints in good alignment. You should always be guided by your physical therapist who may add or delete exercises or stretches for […]

Improving Hamstring Flexibility

Improving Hamstring Flexibility

For so many people, tight hamstring muscles are a constant source of frustration. Usually, the advice offered is to keep going with stretching, foam rolling, self massage, etc. More often than not the list lengthens, but the hamstrings do not. A combination of dynamic stretching and core strengthening helps most people overcome this. Very often this can be achieved in a single exercise. Below we will look at ways of improving hamstring flexibility. Hamstring flexibility […]

All you need to know about MRI scans

All You Need To Know About MRI Scans

BY CLIVE LATHEY, D.O MSC (SPORTS MEDICINE) Musculoskeletal pain (back, neck and other joints), can be very acute and debilitating; resulting in fear and anxiety. As a consequence, patients often request MRI scans in the belief that it is going to be an important part of their treatment. While MRI scans are a “gold standard” diagnostic investigation, there are guidelines concerning their appropriate use. History of MRI scans MRI scans were developed in the 1970s […]