16 Things I Have Learned About Mindfulness

Fiona Worthington, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Cognitive Behavioural Coach at the Putney Clinic provides us with 16 things that she has learned about Mindfulness. 1.It’s free. It’s very simple. We can all do it with practice. 2. It is a work out for your brain. 3. It’s your own experience and not someone else’s, so you can’t do it wrong. 4. It’s not about relaxing or being calm but sometimes that may be the result. 5. […]

Mindfulness March

Fiona Worthington Clinical Hypnotherapist and Cognitive Behavioural Coach at the Putney Clinic provides us with this Mindful March Action Calendar which has daily suggested actions to do throughout March 2019.   For news on Mindfulness workshops and practices, contact Fiona Worthington – www.fionaworthington.uk.com. Fiona offers a number of Psychological Services at the Putney Clinic.

Strength and Stability Benefits Of Pilates

Emily Altneu, a Pilates Teacher at the Putney Clinic of Physical Therapy, is demonstrating 6 key moves that help build strength and stability   Whether you are experienced in Pilates or not tried it yet, some of these very simple yet effective moves can benefit all. They help with core strength and stability.   This move uses a theraband to do a seated row. The focus is the mid back: postural muscles and shoulder girdle […]

What Are Safety Behaviours and How Can They Fuel Our Anxiety?

What Are Safety Behaviours and How Can They Fuel Our Anxiety ? One of my favourite quotes is: “A ship is safe in harbour, but that’s not what ships are for.” John A. Shedd Confidence is a funny old thing it actually comes when we do the thing that we fear.  It’s so easy to think that everybody else is born with a load of confidence and somehow, it’s missed us out. Some people seem […]

Pilates For Lower Back Pain

Pilates for lower back pain Low back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide with up to 80% of adult’s experiencing low back pain during their lifetime. Most cases of low back pain are due to a multi-dimensional factors and very small percentage (1%) of patients will have serious pathology. While there is limited evidence to support individual risk factors as strong predictors of low back pain there is however evidence for the presence […]

Are Your Problems Connected?

ARE YOUR PROBLEMS CONNECTED? It is not uncommon to have more than one problem in the body simultaneously. This surprises many people but as osteopaths, this is actually something we see very often. This is good news for patients, who may find resolution to several persistent problems. However, the key is finding the primary problem. PRIMARY PROBLEMS AND SECONDARY EFFECTS Achilles tendon injuries can take months to recover, during which time a slight limp can […]

Looking To Improve Relationships With Others?

CHECK OUT THIS FRIENDLY FEBRUARY CALENDAR  Lots of simple ideas to improve relationships with others.   Fiona Worthington offers a number of psychological services at the Putney Clinic. If you are interested in finding out more, please check out her website  www.fionaworthington.uk.com The following links also provide more detail on two of her specific treatments Hypnotherapy and Cognitive Behavioural Coaching at the Putney Clinic.

Back Pain: 15 Things You Need To Know

Back Pain: Myths Versus Facts This is an interesting article on back pain that was originally featured in the Irish Independent. Back pain is so prevalent that it costs the country more than cancer and diabetes treatment combined. However, there are many myths circulating about the condition. We asked some of Ireland’s leading experts to shed some light on the common ailment Managing back pain costs the State more than cancer and diabetes combined. Most of […]

What Is Mindfulness?

  Fiona Worthington Clinical Hypnotherapist and Cognitive Behavioural Coach at the Putney Clinic provides a simple overview of the term “mindfulness” and explains what it means to her.  Mindfulness is described by founding godfather Jon Kabat Zinn “paying attention, on purpose, from moment to moment, with non-judging awareness” I find that this can be a bit of a mouthful as a first introduction to the subject. No disrespect to JKZ. (I am a huge fan) […]

Exercising During Pregnancy

If you regularly exercised prior to becoming pregnant, it is beneficial for you and your baby to continue exercising at a safe level until birth. With this is mind, here are 10 tips for exercising during pregnancy from Chartered Physiotherapist Claire Cason. 10 TIPS FOR EXERCISING DURING PREGNANCY Discuss with a member of your obstetric team before continuing with an existing exercise regime. Women who exercised prior to pregnancy should be able to engage in high […]