Measuring Performance In Triathletes

This information has been supplied by Clive Lathey D.O MSc (Sports Medicine), and Osteopath at the Putney Clinic of Physical Therapy. Clive is a specialist in working with and treating both amateur and professional triathletes. This is the third in our series of triathlon focussed blog posts – measuring performance in triathletes. The first post can be found here and the second here. Vo2 Max This is a common test for running fitness. It is the measure of […]

Do You Worry More Than You Like?

Blog post written by FionaWorthington Clinical Hypnotherapist and Cognitive Behavioural Coach at the Putney Clinic looks at how self-knowledge helps us change habits and keep those New Year resolutions. If you worry more than you would like, try this simple tip. What is worry? “Worry is not based upon what is likely to happen. Worries are based on what would be terrible if it did happen. They are not based upon probability they are based […]

Focus Triathlon – Training The Body’s Energy Systems

This is the second in our series of triathlon focussed blog posts. The first post can be found here. There are 3 trainable overlapping energy systems that need to be trained effectively to run a good triathlon and training will need to be tailored to the specific distance triathlon someone is undertaking. Energy systems The challenge is to train each system optimally with the most effective time spent in each zone to maximize fitness outcomes. […]

Bored Of Making New Year Resolutions…Try This!

Blog post written by Fiona Worthington, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Cognitive Behavioural Coach at the Putney Clinic.  Bored of making New Year Resolutions. Try this fun way of setting goals and improving productivity and happiness for 2020. Gretchen Rubin is a US blogger and successful author who writes about habits and happiness. I came across this idea of hers which is a really fun take on making new year resolutions. She and her sister Elizabeth have […]

Focus Triathlon

Following on from our New Year blog about the benefits of exercise, we’re focusing here on three very popular sports where we commonly treat injuries – running, cycling and swimming. In each sport there are optimal biomechanics that will help lead to improved performance and injury prevention. Below we list the most typical injuries and the most common causes: Running Optimal biomechanics Body maintained sagittal direction Minimal vertical displacement of the centre of mass Minimal […]

How To Keep A Cool Head When You Suffer From Headaches

Headaches affect 47% of the global population on a regular basis. Some people suffer from them monthly, weekly and sometimes even daily, and the headache can range from being a nuisance to being completely debilitating, disrupting your ability to drive, work, concentrate, do daily chores or even stand upright. The most difficult thing about headaches is that there is so much variety between individuals, in terms of headache types, symptoms and triggers, it makes them […]

Benefits of Swimming versus Injury Risk

Swimming is one of the most popular sports in the world. We swim in the sea, pools, lakes, streams, rivers and even ponds. And while swimming is considered a ‘low-impact’ sport due to the fact that the water supports a large percentage of, more than 84% of regular swimmers suffer from some type of overuse type injury caused by swimming. Why? The main reason is the high repetition number and forceful nature of the shoulder […]

Add Days To Your Life & Life To Your Days

Physical activity or exercise, when performed regularly, has been proven to prevent and help manage more than 20 chronic conditions. These include coronary heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, cancer, obesity, mental health problems and musculoskeletal conditions. Ideally being active throughout your lifespan would give optimal health benefits, however research has shown the health gains achieved through physical activity can be attained at any time. So, it doesn’t matter when you start as long as […]

Running versus Cycling Injuries

Running and cycling are both excellent forms of exercise, but all too often runners and cyclings get sidelined by injury, many of which are overuse injuries and avoidable. Recreational runners and those new to regular running can be prone to increase intensity and distance too quickly and cause overuse injuries. Building up runs gradually and including strength and conditioning work into a training schedule can help avoid a lot of these injuries. Most running related […]

6 Sleep Strategies for Back Pain Sufferers

How many nights have you spent often brought on by strain from bad posture, tossing and turning with back pain  trying every position possible to get comfortable and getting up the next morning feeling more exhausted than when you went to bed? Worse still, you spend the next day feeling irritable and weary, only to repeat the cycle all over again the next night? Well, it’s something that one in three of us experience at […]