Postnatal Physical Therapy

A very interesting article about postnatal physical therapy by Julie Revelant, published originally in Fox Health News. She argues that every new mother needs physical therapy in order to rehabilitate and strengthen pelvic floor muscles that become weakened during childbirth. At The Putney Clinic, we offer several postnatal physical therapy services as part of our Women’s Health and Mums and Babies clinics. These services include Postnatal MOTs (with our Women’s Health Physiotherapist Lauren Wee) and […]

How Physical Therapy Can Help If You Suffer From Chronic Pain – Part 1

If you suffer from chronic pain, you’ve probably at some point been told that you’re supposed to stay as active as possible. However the thought probably makes you cringe, especially when sometimes, just getting through the day at home or work is hard enough. This is where a physical therapist can help. They can give you a personalised strengthening and exercise plan, and help you learn how to manage your daily life and reduce pain […]

Action Calendar: Meaning May

“People who have meaning and purpose in their lives are happier, feel more in control and get more out of what they do. They also experience less stress, anxiety and depression. But where do we find ‘meaning and purpose’? It might be our religious faith, being a parent or doing a job that makes a difference. The answers vary for each of us but they all involve being connected to something bigger than ourselves” […]

Running The Boston Marathon

A race report from the Boston Marathon by Liz Pepper I ran the Boston Marathon on Monday 15 April, Patriot’s Day in the USA. It had been a reasonably long journey to get there. My marathon journey began in October 2014 when I was offered a place in the London Marathon the following April. I had not spent any time thinking about running a marathon prior to accepting the place. I never thought of myself […]

Strength Training In Runners

Claire Cason is a Physiotherapist at the Putney Clinic of Physical Therapy. Below she shows how strength training in runners can improve performance, prevent injury and help in injury rehab. To find out more about Claire, check out her bio here.  Strength or resistance training in runners – What is it? Resistance training refers to any training designed to improved strength, power and muscle endurance. Specific exercises will involve moving your limbs against resistance provided […]

Daily Suggested Actions for April To Give Your Mind and Body A Boost

Fiona Worthington Clinical Hypnotherapist and Cognitive Behavioural Coach at the Putney Clinic provides us with some daily suggested actions for April, to help give your mind and body a boost.  “Our body and our mind are connected. Being active makes us happier as well as being good for our physical health. It instantly improves our mood and can even lift us out of a depression. We don’t all need to run marathons – there are […]

Strength Training Exercises For Runners

Claire Cason is a Physiotherapist at the Putney Clinic of Physical Therapy. Below she gives us 5 key strength training exercises geared up for runners. To find out more about Claire, check out her bio here.  Strength Exercise 1: Side lunge.  Start by holding a kettlebell (weight of your choice) in to your chest. Step to the side by bending your knee and pushing your hips backwards into the lunge then step back to return […]

Mindfulness – Helping Us See More Clearly

Fiona Worthington Clinical Hypnotherapist and Cognitive Behavioural Coach at the Putney Clinic helps us see more clearly through “Mindfulness.” Mindfulness is incredibly simple. It’s about us being becoming more aware of what’s going on in our lives. Moving from “automatic” pilot to the “non-doing” or “being mode.” We spend much of our time rushing about, being busy around doing a million things. We drive, we go to work, we eat food, we meet friends, we […]

Key Exercises For Cyclists To Prevent Injury

On 14th March 2019 the Putney Clinic hosted a very well attended talk on Cycling – Injury Prevention & Boosting Performance. One of the speakers was Nicole Oh, physiotherapist, who has recently joined the team at the Putney Clinic of Physical Therapy. Nicole is a competitive road racer herself as well as specialising in Cycling Physiotherapy, with extensive knowledge and experience in treating cyclists and triathletes of all levels and abilities. Read Nicole’s full bio. […]

6 Top Tips For Returning To Exercise

RETURNING TO EXERCISE: 6 TOP TIPS   Are you thinking about returning to exercise after a break? Returning to exercise and getting back into the swing of things can be daunting. Research suggests that enforcing a new behaviour will take anything from 18-200 days to become ingrained as a habit. Bearing this in mind, here are a 6 top tips to ensure returning to exercise is as smooth a transition as possible. 1 – Make sure […]