Headaches Explained. Free online public health talk. Thursday 8 April 2021, 6:30pm. Book online

Headaches Explained

Headaches Explained Free online public talk: Thursday 8 April 2021, 6:30pm With presentation by James Isherwood (Registered Osteopath) The Putney Clinic of Physical Therapy is holding a free online public health talk titled “Headaches Explained: Identifying and Managing Different types of Headaches” on Thursday 8 April (6:30 – 7:30pm). There will be a presentation by James Isherwood, Registered Osteopath, followed by a Q&A session. Join us online and discover all you need to know about […]

Mojostand Standing Workstation

Mojostand Standing Workstation

For many, working from home has presented a whole new set of challenges. In addition to the distractions of everyday life, finding the space to work from home has caused more than a few headaches. Sitting for prolonged periods of time while working can have a detrimental effect on our health and well-being.  Over the past year, here at the Putney Clinic we have seen an increase in neck and back pain conditions. For this […]

Anti-Inflammatory Joint Health Smoothie Recipe

Anti-Inflammatory Joint Health Smoothie

Looking to give your body a natural boost? Then why not try this green anti-inflammatory joint health smoothie? High in fibre and low in sugar, this smoothie is also suitable for diabetics and those with blood sugar issues. In a study, a similar smoothie was shown to help with sleep, energy and a variety of symptoms such as pain, joint problems and arthritis. The ingredients listed below are for an anti-inflammatory joint health smoothie. However, […]

Massage Therapy

The Many Benefits of Massage

Massage is not just a feel-good way to indulge or pamper yourself. It can also be a powerful tool to help you take charge of your health and wellbeing. In short, there are many benefits of massage. Below we have highlighted below the three main areas in which there is particularly good scientific evidence supporting the role of massage. What are the main benefits of massage? Live better Stress and Relaxation Adrenaline and cortisol are […]

Mindful March 2021

Anyone can meditate. Sometimes I hear “but my mind is so busy.” All our minds are busy. This Action Calendar from Action for Happiness has quick daily suggestions for helping develop a mindfulness practise. They are so simple; follow them daily and notice what happens. “It helps us get in tune with our feelings and stops us dwelling on the past or worrying about the future – so we get more out of the day-to-day. It can […]

The Sporting Knee: Free Online Talk. Thursday 25 February 2021

The Sporting Knee: Free Online Health Talk

The Sporting Knee: From Cradle to Grave Free online public talk: Thursday 25 February 2021, 6:30pm With guest talk by Mr Simon Thompson (Knee Surgeon) The Putney Clinic of Physical Therapy is holding a free online public health talk titled “The Sporting Knee: From Cradle to Grave” on Thursday 25 February (6:30 – 7:30pm). Our guest speaker will be Mr Simon Thompson, Knee Surgeon and former Saracens rugby player. Join us online and learn all […]

Simple Ideas for Building Emotional Resilience

Simple Ideas for Building Emotional Resilience It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters. Life is currently tough for everyone. Uncertainty faces all of us from all directions. Perhaps there never was a time riper than now to develop resilience skills. One of my favourite quotes on this subject is from Epictetus the Greek philosopher. It also serves as a mantra when exploring cognitive behavioural therapy. “It’s not what […]

Do you have balance in your day?

Do You Have Balance In Your Day?

Do you have balance in your day? This is something I am constantly asking myself. Today is a weird day. I have found it difficult to focus on anything. My head is all over the place. I am struggling to pay attention to one thing. Not mindful at all. Not present. Should I tidy the house? Should I clear a cupboard? I am so close to finishing a book on mind body connection, only 60 […]

Spinal Twists (Exercising At Home)

In today’s Exercising at Home video, physiotherapist Davina Sherwood shows us how to perform Spinal Twists safely at home. They can help with lower back pain, mobility and even digestion, and are suitable for most people. What is more, they are a good starting point before advancing to more challenging exercises. Adapted from restorative yoga, these exercises are both invigorating and relaxing.  For more exercises that you can do at home, visit the Putney […]

Seated Back Exercises (Exercising At Home)

Continuing with our Exercising at Home series of videos, physiotherapist Davina Sherwood demonstrates some Seated Back Exercises. These exercises are suitable for most people. Moreover, they are a good starting point before advancing to more challenging exercises. You can perform these exercises from the safety and comfort of your own home. So, why not grab a chair and join in?  For more exercises that you can do at home, visit the Putney Clinic YouTube […]